About HireDS

HireDS aims to promote inclusion into the mainstream employment world.

National Recruiting Leader

National Recruiting Leader Image

Hire Disability Solutions is a national leader in recruiting the best and brightest people for visionary companies like yours. We simplify the hiring process through alliances with the right organizations, people, and technology. We help enhance your image, build your brand, and boost your bottom line through our expertise with diversity and total inclusion across cultures, class, and disabilities. People with disabilities face new challenges every day and are accustomed to working harder to demonstrate their great abilities and value to companies like yours. It may surprise you to learn that people with disabilities now represent 10-20% of the population, an influential market that continues to grow with the aging of America. Sadly, two thirds of unemployed people with disabilities would like to work but can’t find jobs. On the positive side, studies show that people with disabilities are more loyal to their employers, and tend to stay on their jobs longer. Consider that employee turnover can cost up to 200% of your company’s top-level salaries. Build your business and create lasting good will for your company. Hire Disability Solutions helps you build a stronger workforce. Working with Hire Disability Solutions, you’ll save money, enhance productivity, and gain access to a largely untapped source of intelligent, industrious, and qualified job candidates.

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Facing Adversity Head-On

Facing our adversities head-on has made us resilient and ideal for handling work pressures. We simply desire that job where we can shine! Hire Disability Solutions is in business to help us get that right job. And, our business partners, with a variety of available positions, share our inclusive philosophy.

A Win For All Image

A Win For All

Build your business and create lasting good will for your company. Hire Disability Solutions helps you build a stronger workforce. Working with Hire Disability Solutions, you’ll save money, enhance productivity, and gain access to a largely untapped source of intelligent, industrious, and qualified job candidates.